Lakeview Elementary School
Little Elm ISD
Little Elm, TX
My classroom is 1-1 this year with netbooks. I wanted to find a way to have children practice the skills we are working on without killing so many trees. I also wanted to find a way to differentiate my learning without it being so obvious and the kids realizing it.
I introduced the kids to the site by allowing them to create their own avatar. I had them take the pretests. I showed them how they could earn coins to exchange for games or rewards. They LOVED it and couldn't wait to get started! I love how I have instant data on the kids as soon as they complete the assignment. I can easily go in and see what they missed or mastered. It allows me to differentiate for each student at the touch of a button.
The kids are so much more excited about completing an assignment. I don't get the moans and groans when they see me pick up a stack of paper. I love that they can also work on this at home so parents can see their child's progress as well. Gone are the days of paper trails of who turned in an assignment or not. I love the ease of ScootPad!